It’s now that time period before a vacation where EVERY SINGLE THING is bothering me. Work is bothering me, people are bothering me, everything is bothering me because it’s all standing in the way of my vacation.
I barely have any pics to post this week so I’ll sprinkle in some cat photos.

Last week I mostly focused on finishing up my packing, triple checking everything. Thursday had a picnic with the girls which was nice. And then Friday… oh Friday!
Had a fun chat with @socalcostumes on instagram, then headed off to eat dinner. While eating got a text that my 101 year old great-uncle had fallen in the yard – his neighbor found him, called the ambulance, and then called my dad. So my dad and aunt went down to the hospital to check on him.
So a couple of hours later my dad calls and first said it looks like our uncle is ok – but now my grandmother has fallen. She was over at my aunt and uncle’s house and apparently fell down a short set of stairs, and my uncle couldn’t get her up. So Chase and I headed over to help. Chase dropped me off and then went to get my mom. My grandma was in some pain but in a pretty good mood otherwise. She said her hip hurt when she tried to move it.
Finally got her off in an ambulance. My dad and aunt just went straight from getting my uncle back home (he was fine. He hadn’t fallen — he’d been gardening and sat down because he was tired, then couldn’t get back up! He’d gotten a little dehydrated but otherwise ok.) to the other hospital to meet my grandma.
Saturday morning I found out they were there til 4am waiting on her to get in a room. yikes. Doesn’t make us getting home after midnight seem so bad.
Unfortunately my grandma broke her femur. It’s a bad break. Haven’t heard yet what they’ve decided to do (surgery is a possibility but at her age it’s dangerous; no surgery means wheelchair for the rest of her life)

Saturday we ran some trip errands. Sunday we did some yardwork and I dyed some non-costume stuff. I also decided to make a new necklace for the dapper Leia look. I just felt like my neck looked weird and it needed something. So I took my rebel necklace I wear with my old disneybound and painted it silver and strung it with some pearls. If it ends up not looking right, oh well.
I also coloured 2 rubber bands black with a sharpie. Because I needed black rubber bands for my new leia hair pieces (I don’t trust hair elastics), couldn’t find anything cheaper than $10 and I wasn’t going to spend $10 on a bag of 500 black rubber bands when I only needed 2. So I just sharpied 2 I had LOL
At this point everything is ready to go. I just need to put the last minute things in bags. It’s just a waiting game.
Oh! I nearly forgot. Friday I went to get something out of my costume closet and discovered this

First reaction is that everything ripped out of the wall. Like it usually does in my costume closets. But after closer inspection, nothing was broken — brackets still on the wall good and fine. It looks like the rod maybe just got pushed back too far and slipped out of one of the brackets. That’s a relief.
At first I was wondering, “how did I not hear this??” and then I remember all that fell was a bunch of fabric so it was pretty cushioned LOL

Had it all back up in a few minutes.
So anyway. I just need real life to stop being so trying. Like just… pause the craziness for a week and let me go on vacation without anxiety.
Hopefully next time I post it will be post-vacation…